Well in this blog is all about music, musicians, bands that I love..
Some things that I find in the way, some albuns that I like..
Some nice stories to tell..
Anyway, mainly I want to share this great passion that I have with Music...
To me music have a huge meaning, is my inspiration for my life, makes me transcend to another world ! Every single music that I listen make me fly in my imagination !

Let me share something that Paul Hewson says:

"If we wanna change the world, we change people;
If we wanna change people, we start from the heart;
If we wanna change people´s heart we use MUSIC ! "

"I was born with music inside me. She was as necessary as food or water." Ray Charles

"Among the thanks we owe to God's goodness, one of the biggest is the music. The music is exactly as we received it: a pure soul, any music arouses feelings of purity " Miguel Unamuno

"The music is the bond that unites the life of the spirit life of the senses. The melody is sensitive life of poetry. "Beethoven

"The music is heavenly, the divine nature and of such beauty that enchants the soul and raises it above his condition" Aristoteles



Music is so powerfull that can even change your life!!

When the house is ROCKING don´t bother knocking just come in !!

Music is so powerful that can even change my life !

Music is so powerful that can even change my life !

Long Life to Rock n Roll !!

Long Life to Rock n Roll !!

The meanig of music to me

I wasn´t raised on rock, but like Ray Charles says once, " I was born with music inside of me. She was necessary as food or water." This sentence makes a lot of sence, because to me music is represented in the same way...music is like feeding to my soul...
I can say that I was born with music passion... music leads my way, make me dream while I´m awake...Makes me fly in my thoughts... Transcends my world...
Like someone says once " Music is so powerfull that can even change my life."
My story with rock and all kinds of rock.. Well, sometimes ago someone show me the Rock World, the bands and the musicians that make part of it.. And since then I have known a lot of musics, musicians, bands...And now I can say that I´m a little addicted on rock and his derivatives...
I love all kinds of music, but specially rock...All I can says is:
" A Rock heart is hard to tear appart"
This love for music, is something special that born with someone, and when that happen, there´s a lot of good and amazing feelings that need to be shared, the world needs to know this such power that music put in each one of us...
Sometimes we can´t explain in words some of the feelings that surround our hearts, and like a blink of magic, arises a music that can describe exactly what we feel in certain moments...
Through music we can do a lot of good things, like touch hearts people, make the world go foward...
Definitly music is the only way to make the world in a different way to live...
Never forget this:

terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009

Camel - Ice (Live)

A band that I find out recently and i must say that I really like them! It looks like we travel in a fantasy world, in a mediaval age! If we listening carefully, we do stories in our minds! Stories about castles, princes and princesses !

01-The Great marsh lyrics
03-Rhayader Goes to Town
06-The snow goose lyrics
08-Migration lyrics
09-Rhayader Alone
10-Flight of the Snow Goose
                                                         14-Fritha Alone
                                                         15-La Princesse Perdue

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